Sing for Water Workshop in Manchester – with Roxane Smith and Sharon Durant- Feb 15th | |

This year, we want to launch the Sing for Water 2025 repertoire by holding a day workshop in Manchester on Saturday 15th Feb in Didsbury Baptist Church, School Lane, M20 6SX
The event is not designed to be a fundraising event (which is why it is so cheap!). It is however a chance to learn the repertoire and get inspired to organise or be part of a fundraising event in your area. You may even be inspired to come to the London Concert in September13th/14th*. All of these things are optional, you might want to just come and enjoy a day of singing with us.
Sing for Water is a singing project that has been going for more than 20 years. Singers gather together and do the 2 things they love. We raise our voices in harmony, but we also raise money for Water Aid. WaterAid is a charity that works all over the world with people and communities that do not have access to clean drinking water or sanitation.
The fundraising can take many forms: – there have been sponsored singing events in swimming pools; choir concerts where the proceeds go to Sing for Water; there’s been busking and singing by the seaside, on promenades and piers.
One of the many joys of this project is that it brings singers together from different choirs and we learn a shared repertoire. Resources are made available in the form of sound files for choir members and musical scores for choir leaders. This helps the ‘shared repertoire’ spread across the choirs in the UK and beyond!
There has been a London Sing for Water concert for approx 20 out of the last 22 years but there are also regional concerts and indeed Manchester hosted very successful and enjoyable SFW concerts in the past. The London concert has been supported by local quartet ‘The Lovenotes’ and there is often a Manchester contingent at SFW events.
The workshop will be led by Roxane and Sharon and we will be singing most of the day! We have 7 songs that have been selected for the SFW London concert and we’re aiming to sing through as much of the repertoire as we can, whilst having a good time enjoying each other’s company and harmonies.
The cost of the day workshop is £15 full price, £10 concession and free to choir leaders
Bring sandwiches and water, we are aiming to provide tea and coffee.
*If you do decide to come to London to be part of the SFW concert, you’ll get access to all the parts to the songs when you sign up. More info on that later.