After the success of SING FOR WATER ABERYSTWYTH 2023 and SING FOR WATER ABERYSTWYTH 2024, we are again going to sing together on Aberystwyth Promenade to raise money for WaterAid, a wonderful charity who provide water and sanitation to communities throughout the world who do not have access to clean water.
The event will be held on SATURDAY JULY 19TH, AT THE BANDSTAND, ABERYSTWYTH PROMENADE Singers will gather at the bandstand and will sing 4 or 5 mass songs together, followed by individual choirs performing songs. Members of the public will be able to donate either through our JUST GIVING page, or by putting cash in the buckets on the day. The performance will be given twice, once int he morning and once in the afternoon.
If you would like to take part, please buy a ticket (from £5 to £30, whatever you can afford) and your money will all go to WaterAid. Once you have registered, you will receive more information about the event, including music, words and sound files for the songs we will be singing together, as well as details of teaching sessions.
The songs will be taught during the weeks leading up to this event, by choir leaders and tutors around Wales.