Borth SInging March 2023 | |

We are delighted to be back at Borth Youth Hostel to sing and hang out together and be ‘By the Sea!’
The weekend starts on Friday evening after 5.30, people will drift in depending on how far they are travelling!
Fri evening: Meal and singing with Roxane and Sian, followed by hanging out in the Youth Hostel at Borth.
Saturday: A day workshop with Sian in Talybont Hall. 10.30-4.30. More hanging about by the sea and some (informal) singing on Saturday night (fire on the beach is always a possibility). In the event of bad weather, we can be in the Star of the Sea.
Sunday Morning: A final sing at ‘ The Star of the Sea’ in Borth on Sunday morning.
There were an infinite array of booking options! Such is the joy of a ticketing platform such as snappy tickets! However the only tickets left are for the Youth Hostel or for ‘stay elsewhere and just join us for the singing’
You are welcome to join us for the whole thing: a room in the YH, food and all the singing.
Alternatively you can find you own accommodation and just join us for food and singing.
Also, you can come just for the singing or indeed just for the saturday workshop.
Some singers like to book the Aberleri Cottages or stay in one of the many B and B options in Borth.
If you have a campervan and want to sleep in it, you can be in the youth hostel carpark and use their loos and showers and join us in the hostel for breakast and meals. There is also a car park near the Star of the Sea, which is near the public loos in Borth. Borthians do not like campervans on the sea front…..also they get covered in seagull poo.