Frome Home Ed – 19th Jan – Warm Winter Meets | |
Sorry, we're us at the park after?
This page is for 19th January of our WARM WINTER MEETS!
The theme is still *space* (one theme per month) but with new activities: arts/craft, STEM, sensory area, movement area, chill zone 🚀🌌
Do bring any recycling and crafty bits if you have any for space junk modelling (think space ships, satellites, International Space Station, etc.). 🧑🏾🚀🌕🛸🛰
- We are limiting numbers to 18 kids – creating a calmer environment for all.
- The price has increased slightly due to reduced numbers, but is still non-profit.
- The meet will now be 1.5hrs, 10:30am – 12:00pm, with option to carry on playing at Victoria Park if the weather is fine.
- You must have at least one school-age child 5+ yrs old, but younger siblings welcome.
- Where possible – can parents (and kids) help tidy up at the end.
Requests from Town Council (boring but important): ⬇️
- We cannot linger in the hallway at any time, as Frome FM radio is right next door to us, but of course can go to the loo and back
- If your child is struggling in the space (as mine was), then you can retreat to Vic Park & return
- No running in the hall, but we will once again have a movement zone – as moving your body always welcome
- No parking at the town hall (and Park Road is usually chocka too), park in surrounding streets: BA11 4EL
Looking forward to making connections, having fun, and learning with you and your lovely family!