Gasworks Choir Evening Concert May 2023 | |

One uplifting hour of song. 150 voices singing pop, folk, shape note, show tunes and more…
The Gasworks Choir are delighted to be performing in the beautiful acoustic of St Mary’s Stoke Bishop. Their fresh repertoire includes contemporary spirituals, Armenian folk and songs by The Specials, Sinaed O’Connor and Mamuse.
Come and enjoy the powerful sound of the human voice in full song. Gasworks is a thriving community choir which has been going strong for many years. They are renowned for the passion and energy of their concerts and for the wonderful atmosphere they create.
Feedback from our June concerts:
“Oh my, I was privileged to attend your concert yesterday afternoon, It was
Nancy N“What an incredible sound you all make together. The atmosphere you create is
just fantastic.”
James B