Songs from Zimbabwe with Bruce Ncube | |
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Bruce Ncube is a Zimbabwean musician with over 15 years of touring & traveling the UK teaching & performing in some of the world’s biggest platforms such as WOMAD, African Drum Village, Edinburgh international Festival, Aberdeen International Youth Festival, Lancaster Music Festival, World Music Workshop Festival, Skye Music Festival…
Bruce specialises in teaching traditional songs from his native country of Zimbabwe in 3 to 6 part harmonies. His teaching is in the traditional, oral/aural way; reminiscent of long ago when people people would gather around a fire in the evenings, at weddings & funerals or whilst working in the fields and start weaving harmonies.
His approach is inclusive & participatory, designed to build people’s confidence in singing. The songs he teaches are emotionally charged & uplifting, carrying messages of struggle, hope, determination, courage, inspiration & togetherness. One does not need to be experienced in singing to take part in his workshops.
Everyone welcome – no experience required – everything taught by ear.
Saturday May 10th
Clunderwen Village Hall,Pembs SA66 7NH
10.30- 4pm
Bring a packed lunch. Tea/ coffee/ biscuits provided